Section dedicated to organizers looking for musical projects to include in their events..

Artists who have been to Acme Studio to record audio and video of their projects.

Calendar of recording sessions.

AcmeStudio APS - Via Aldo Moro 53 - 00055 Ladispoli - C.F.91083930585
Tel +39 376 122 6670 - Email: PEC:
Numero di iscrizione al RUNTS G05482
Non-commercial website conceived, developed, and maintained free of charge by Sergio Tanzilli.
Technologies used:: Debian Linux, PHP 8, Postgres SQL, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap 5, ChatGPT 4
The graphics and videos were created using: Keynote, Finalcut e Photoshop su Apple Mac
The site is hosted on virtual machines at Hetzner financed by Acme Systems srl