O surdato 'nnammurato
I' te vurria vasà
Te voglio bene assaje
Tu si 'na cosa grande
Novecento - Santa Lucia Lontana - Santa Lucia
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Serenata Sincera/ Parlami d'Amore Mariù/ 'O Surdato 'Nnammurato
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AcmeStudio APS - Via Aldo Moro 53 - 00055 Ladispoli - C.F.91083930585
Tel +39 376 122 6670 - Email: acmestudioaps@gmail.com PEC: acmestudioaps@pec.it
Numero di iscrizione al RUNTS G05482
No-profit website conceived, developed, and maintained for free by Sergio Tanzilli.
Technologies used: Debian Linux, PHP 8, Postgres SQL, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap 5, ChatGPT 4
Graphics and videos created using: Keynote, Finalcut and Photoshop on Apple iMac
Web site hosted on virtual machines at Hetzner financed by Acme Systems srl
Acme Studio APS